Burns to Child at Nursery

Mr S been looked after by his local private day nursery and whilst there he was allowed to crawl over the metal framed door and as he did this he burnt his hans on the door frame which had got too hot in the sun. Brearleys have now managed to secure an admission of liability from the Private Day Nursery. Brearleys solicitors are your best choice of personal injury specialist handling all types of legal cases both locally and nationally. It is really easy to claim and we will deal with your case efficiently and quickly to get you the right result. For more details call any of our offices or use our free phone number 0800 0923422. Or call Carolyn on 01924 443900 or Andrew on 01924 473065 Alternatively visit our dedicated website <http://www.brearleyspersonalinjury.co.uk/trips-and-slips/>