Trolley Wars

Mrs A was shopping in her local supermarket. As she went along with her shopping trolley a member of store staff came down the aisle pushing a large trolley/cage in front of them, given the size of which they could not see Mrs A. They ran straight in to her, knocking her from her feet.

We put Mrs A’s claim to the supermarket, who promptly denied it, saying that it was Mrs A’s fault, and that she had run in to the cage not the other way around, and that the staff member was stationary when it happened.

Fortunately the accident was witnessed by another shopper, who helped Mrs A after the accident, before first aid assistance arrived. This gentleman left his details, and when we contacted him, he confirmed that everything happened as Mrs A said, not as the store would have it.

The claim has now been successfully concluded by Andrew Marsden of our Batley office, and Mrs A has received the compensation she deserved for what happened to her.

We represented Mrs A by way of no win no fee, which meant she could bring her claim without the worry of legal fees if it was not successful.

If you have been involved in accident contact Andrew on 01924 473065, [email protected] or through livechat on our website.

All initial advice is at no cost, so you can find out whether you might have a claim or not. If you do, we should be able to act for you on a no win no fee basis.