Dog Bite

Mr P was carrying out some work at a customer’s home. They have a dog, and they were aware that the dog had a tendency to behave aggressively towards visitors it was not familiar with. To guard against this the dog would usually be put out of they way.

On this occasion for whatever reason this did not happen, and as Mr P set about his work the dog came out of the house and bit him.

In the simplest of terms the owner of an animal is responsible for what it does, but, the law is considerably more complicated than that. There are a number of factors that need to be proved before that blame will attach, in particular knowledge.

In this case the owners knew or could reasonably anticipate that the dog would do what it did. They have accepted fault and Mr P will now get the compensation he deserves.

Andrew Marsden of our Batley Batley Office, who represents Mr P in this matter, is a specialist in Animal Act cases. If you have been injured in an accident whether involving animals or not, get in touch with Andrew to see if you can bring a claim. You may well be entitled to compensation, as Mr P is.

Call 01924 473065, email [email protected] or use livechat on website. Initial advice is at no charge, and we should be able to act for you on a no win no fee basis.