
Shrink Wrap Safety

Shrink wrap is very useful. It is particularly useful when it comes to keeping loads on pallets stable, which is why Mr W’s employers used to shrink wrap every load before it was moved. Unfortunately as part of a review of working practice it was decided that that was no longer necessary. As Mr W […]

Take Care At Junctions

As Mr P was walking across a junction he was hit by a car turning in. The car was travelling too quickly, and the driver tried to take the corner at speed. This meant that he didn’t see Mr P until it was far too late. As a result the car hit Mr P knocking […]

CICA Success

Mr K was assaulted whilst working as a food delivery driver. He was punched and beaten by his assailant and had his vehicle keys stolen. He put in a claim for compensation for his injuries through the criminal injuries compensation authority. This is a statutory body which exists to pay compensation to people who have […]

Eyes On The Road

Keep your eyes on the road – good advice, especially when you are driving. It certainly would have been good advice for the driver of the car that ran straight into the back of Mr B and Miss I’s car whilst they were stationary in traffic. After we put their claims the insurer of the […]

A Grave Trip

Mr P was walking through his local church yard when he tripped and fell over the raised edge of a very large stone slab set in the footpath. As a result he was injured. After Mr P consulted us we set about investigating his claim and discovered that the local council had taken over responsibility […]

Hot Soup

We all like a nice bowl of warming soup from time to time, especially when the weather is colder. There are few things better for warming you up. Unfortunately for Mrs H, she got rather more than a bowl full of soup when a soup cauldron fell onto her at work. The soup was also […]

Pallet Pain

There is a correct and an incorrect way to safely stack paving slabs on a pallet. If you get it wrong the slabs have a tendency to fall over, and if they land on your hand and wrist, that can be, to say the least very painful. Unfortunately for Mr W the person who stacked […]

Mats Please

Miss W went to her local supermarket to do a bit of shopping. The weather was very poor, it was raining and had been for a while. As Miss W walked through the entrance way, she slipped and fell. The reason for this was because there were no mats down. This meant that everybody coming […]

Watch …Ouch

Ouch, and possibly a few more words besides is what Mr W had to say following an incident with the boot of a car and an over eager taxi driver. Having called the taxi to take him and his shopping home, Mr W set about putting things in the boot of the vehicle when it […]

An Unpleasant Slip

Lets face it, often the worst part of a shopping trip is when you get to the till and have to pay. Well, on this occasion, getting to the till was definitely the worst part of the day’s shopping for Mrs M, but for a somewhat more unpleasant reason. As Mrs M was walking towards […]